Let It Go!

59253,1149103228,22A few days ago while in my solitude I began to think of all the ugly people that I had encountered.  I don’t mean ugly on the outside but ugly on the inside.  It still baffles me how these individuals can lie, cheat, connive, misuse and abuse others and convince themselves they have done nothing wrong.  The sad thing is that they don’t even realize the picture that they have painted of themselves.  Their self-portrait can easily be described as demonic.  Who in their right mind would have such blatant disregard for humanity, decency, respect and not to mention KARMA?   I am sure you may have had a loved one who caused the demise of what was once a wonderful relationship and then become a thorn in your side.  Rather than move on they pick and plot because they’re  angry that you finally woke up and smelled the coffee, you called them out on their mess and took them off speed dial.  As humans we have been blessed with something called emotions and these strong feelings have on occasion enticed us to indulge these people and get caught up their ugliness.  If we are not careful, our days and nights become consumed with drama that focuses on this one individual.   We feel the need to right their wrong and get some clarity but it will never happen, simply put, some people are void of common sense.  Let me clean this up for you – You loved him/her, they did you dirty, you called him/her out, you let them go.  Now they talk about you, lie on you, curse you and you can’t take it, so instead of ignoring and moving on you want to settle the score, didn’t you let them go?  This person doesn’t deserve one more minute of your precious time, I know you’re angry but you will find yourself in the web they weave and a pawn in their small lives.   I am reconditioning myself,  life is too short and  so I try to be mindful of  the things I do and remember relationships are for a season and for a reason.  After experiencing negative outcomes to some former relationships, I started training myself to let their fate reside with a higher authority.  When I find myself indulging these ugly, self-absorbed sunshine stealer’s, I regroup and move on because what they are doing is stealing my power and my joy.  Remember to make your enemies your footstool and expect to see karma kick in somewhere in their future.  Ugly people want to see you cry and suffer, so don’t entertain them just LET IT GO and Live!